Sample Course Description:
Course Prefix: a three-letter code that identifies the academic subject area of a course.
Course Number/Course Code: a series of numbers that identifies a course and its content and are used to organize the college course catalog and to distinguish different courses within the same level and department. Courses numbered 100–199 are typically introductory and have few prerequisites. Courses numbered 200–299 are typically lower-level undergraduate courses that may build on introductory courses.
Course Title: the name of the class.
Semester Hours of Credit: academic unit(s) earned upon successful completion of the course.
Requisites: requirements or recommendations associated with the course.
PCS Code: Program Classification Structure Code set by the Department of Education; a set of defined categories and subcategories that correspond to different functions within a university, like instruction, research, public service, and administration. Courses in the 1.1 PCS category are designed to transfer, while courses in the 1.2 PCS category may or may not transfer.