Mar 14, 2025  
2025-2026 Credit Course Catalog 
2025-2026 Credit Course Catalog

Academic and Student Services

 MCC supports the development of the whole person. In keeping with this philosophy, the College offers a wide range of services and programs.

Academic Advising

Room A257 (815) 479-7565

Academic Advisors are available to all current and returning students, providing essential guidance, support, and encouragement regarding course planning, academic planning, transferring, and reaching career goals. Students are welcome to arrange an appointment with an Academic Advisor. A student can book an appointment online by visiting the Advising Center webpage, or by calling the main office number. Drop-ins are also available on a first-come, first-served basis.  

An Academic Advisor supports a student with: 

  • Planning classes to match their academic and career goals 
  • Choosing a degree or certificate 
  • Preparing to transfer 
  • Checking their progress toward graduation 
  • Co-creating a long-term academic plan using the Student Planning tool 

Dual Credit Advising and Orientation

Advising and orientation for dual credit students is offered by the office of College and Career Readiness. For more information, please email

New Student Orientation 

New Student Orientation provides an introduction to McHenry County College and its academic programs, polices, and student support services. Once you are admitted, your next step is to complete the orientation process. More information is available at

Prerequisite Waivers

For those students who have completed coursework at another institution, Academic Advisors are able to review transcripts towards course prerequisites. Students are asked to provide a transcript copy via email or in-person to determine if prior coursework fulfills the prerequisite. Emailed and opened college transcripts are considered unofficial.  

Course Overload

Information on Course Overload can be found under Registration .

Access and Disability Services

Room A256 (815) 455-8766 Office

Access and Disability Services (ADS) is the office on campus designated to provide reasonable accommodations for otherwise qualified students and community members with disabilities. We partner with instructors, staff, student organizations, and community partners to make MCC an accessible and inclusive environment for all students and community members. 

Additionally, students who are English Language Learners and students enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs who face academic barriers may qualify for Access and Disability Services assistance. For more information about Access and Disability Services or to make an appointment, use the contact information above. 


Career Services and Work-based Learning

Room A254 (815) 455-8566

The Career Service Center provides career development preparation and resources for students, alumni and in-district community residents. Including: 

  • Career Coach, a personality to career assessment that can assist with educational and career planning 
  • Career planning 
  • Resume and cover letter development 
  • Practice interviews 
  • Internship and job search strategies 
  • Access to job postings and search information 24 hours a day through Hire a Scot, 
  • Career development workshops 
  • On campus employer information tables and networking opportunities 
  • Information on career fairs 

Work-based Learning

Bridging classrooms and careers, Work-Based Learning provides real-world career experiences in combination with academic curriculum in a variety of modalities: apprenticeships, internships, and exploration. Working with the companies in the local areas, experiences are being developed to provide a work-based learning experience to every student who wants one. 


In an Earn-and-Learn model, apprenticeships build their knowledge and skills in the classroom and on-the-job. This comprehensive training program combines job-related credit courses with structured on-the-job training providing salary, benefits, and paid tuition. 


Internships are short work experiences within a specified field of study. Internships are called different things in various field of study: in Criminal Justice and Fire Science, it is a field experience; in Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Nursing programs, internships are known as clinicals; in Culinary Arts and Early Childhood Education, it is a practicum. Some courses of study require an internship experience, for others, it is optional. A credit internship has specific learning outcomes. Non-credit internships take many forms. 

Career Exploration

Less intensive work experiences that could include job shadowing, service learning, career field trips, company rotations, and classroom speakers. Exploration allows for brief introductions to career fields and companies to answer questions about those careers and help students decide on their career path. 

Additional information regarding Apprenticeship, Internship, and Career Exploration is available in the Career Services office, A254. 

Children’s Learning Center (CLC)

Room C115 (815) 455-8555

The Children’s Learning Center (CLC) offers a state licensed, developmentally appropriate learning environment for young children (ages 15 months to 6 years) and a lab site for early childhood education students. Students, employees, and community members can take advantage of flexible scheduling for their children within this age range. Additional information regarding the CLC is available in the CLC Director’s Office, C115, or at (815) 455-8555 or

Student Success Coaches

Co-Labs A218, B166, E108  

Student Success Coaches are dedicated staff members who provide free comprehensive academic and personal support to help MCC students successfully navigate college and achieve success. Our Student Success Coaches enhance the student learning experience by providing the following support: 

  • Academic advising 
  • Future transfer and career planning 
  • Academic and student support 
  • Student success workshops 
  • Connection to campus resources 

Student Wellness

Room A252 (815) 455-8544 

The Coordinator of Student Wellness is available as a resource for students needing assistance with mental health concerns and other areas of their overall wellness that may interfere with their learning and success at MCC. The coordinator works collaboratively with other offices at MCC and community partners to empower students with a wide range of services that meet their needs. Appointments are preferred, but no appointment is needed for an emergency or crisis.  

Students needing assistance with a crisis after office hours should contact the 24-hour McHenry County Crisis Line at (800) 892-8900, call or text the Suicide and Crisis Hotline at 988, or download the MCHelp app in their mobile app store to speak with a professional counselor 24 hours a day.

Dual Credit

For Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, MCC collaborates with the McHenry County Cooperative for Employment Education.

Room C122 (815) 455-8597

MCC’s College & Career Readiness department coordinates Dual Credit initiatives that make it possible for eligible students to earn college credit while still in high school. Academic and Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses are offered for dual credit at MCC through the Running Start and Partnership for College & Career Success (PCCS) programs. CTE courses are also offered for dual credit at local high schools through the College in High School Program. MCC collaborates with the McHenry County Cooperative for Employment Education to ensure that dual credit CTE courses position students to seamlessly continue their CTE pathway at MCC. 

Financial Aid, Scholarships and Veteran Benefits

Room A262 (815) 455-8761
  (815) 455-8594 fax

MCC is committed to helping students overcome financial barriers to reach their educational goals. Financial aid is monetary assistance to help students meet the expenses of attending college. Aid may come in the form of grants, loans, student employment, scholarships, outside assistance or a combination thereof. 

Students applying for federal or state aid are required to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and declare a financial aid eligible certificate or degree program. The FAFSA can be completed at FAFSA on the web worksheets are available to help prepare required information for application completion. 

Eligibility Requirements for Federal (Title IV) Aid

To be eligible for assistance a student must: 

  • demonstrate financial need as determined by the FAFSA (for most aid programs) 
  • be a citizen of the United States or an eligible noncitizen 
  • have a valid Social Security number (with the exception of students from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau) 
  • be registered with Selective Service, if you are a male between the ages of 18 and 25 
  • be enrolled as a regular student in a financial aid eligible certificate or degree program. Only classes required for your selected degree or certificate will be eligible for financial aid. 
  • maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) (GPA = 2.0 Completion Rate of 67%) 
  • sign the certification statement of the FAFSA stating that  
    • You are not in default on a federal student loan and do not owe money on a federal student grant and 
    • You will use federal student aid only for educational purposes and 
  • show you’re qualified to obtain a college education by  
    • Having a high school diploma or a recognized equivalent such as a General Educational Development (GED) certificate 
    • Completing a high school education in a homeschool setting approved under state law or 
    • Enrolling in an eligible career pathway program and meeting on of the “ability-to benefit” alternatives. 

Federal and State Aid

Grants: Need-based assistance without the requirement of repayment. Students can receive federal and state grants at only one institution each semester.

Grants offered at MCC:

  • Federal Pell Grant (PELL)
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Illinois Monetary Award Program Grant (MAP)

Loans: assistance requiring repayment with interest. Students must be enrolled at least half time.

Loans offered at MCC:

  • Federal Direct Subsidized Loans are loans made to eligible undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need to help cover the costs of higher education. Interest begins to accrue after the student graduates or becomes enrolled less than half time (6 credit hours).
  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans are loans made to eligible undergraduate students, but in this case the student does not have to demonstrate financial need to be eligible. Interest begins to accrue at the time of disbursement.
  • Federal Direct Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students are loans made to parents of dependent students to help cover the cost of higher education not covered by other financial aid.
  • Information on Private alternative loans is also available at the Office of Financial Aid.

Federal Work-Study provides part-time jobs for students with financial need without the requirement of repayment. Students may obtain a job on campus and earn a weekly paycheck. Job listings can be found at Institutionally funded positions may be available for students not eligible for federal work-study through the FAFSA.

Disbursement Information

Pell grant funds will be applied to student account balances on a weekly basis beginning 10 days into the semester. Excess PELL grant funds as well as state and federal grant funds are posted to student accounts at the midpoint of the semester. MAP grants are applied to tuition only. PELL and SEOG grants are applied to tuition and other allowable institutional charges. 

Loans are applied to student accounts in two disbursements. For example, funds for loans that cover a two semester period will be applied once each semester; loans that cover only one semester will be split into two disbursements during that same semester. Loans will disburse according to the appropriate disbursement schedule provided by the Financial Aid office. Loans are also applied to tuition and other allowable institutional charges. 

Students must keep their contact information current with MCC to avoid disbursement delays. Students are responsible to pay MCC for any tuition, fees, and other institutional charges that financial aid does not cover. Students with overdue payments will be billed 33.33% in collection charges. 

Credit balances will be disbursed according to a student’s BankMobile selection. For information on BankMobile please visit

Title IV Credit Balance Policy

MCC’s policy on paying all Student Credit Balances is modeled after the requirements of Title IV student credit balances. A Title IV credit balance occurs whenever the college credits Title IV program funds to a student’s account and those funds exceed the student’s allowable institutional charges. 

Allowable institutional charges, include: 

  • Current charges for tuition, fees and bookstore purchases 
  • Other educationally related charges incurred by the student at MCC, with the student’s written authorization 
  • Prior-year charges, up to and not exceeding $200, with the student’s written authorization 


MCC pays the excess Title IV program funds (the credit balance) directly to the student as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after: 

  • The date the balance occurred on the student’s account, if the balance occurred after the first day of class of a payment period; or 
  • The first day of classes of the payment period if the credit balance occurred on or before the first day of class of that payment period. 

Depending on the specifics of the situation, for students who have a credit balance and are recipients of Title IV federal aid, the level of aid awarded may need to be recalculated by the school’s financial aid office. 

Written Authorization: 

Students (or parent borrowers) must provide written authorization before MCC can perform any of the following actions with respect to credit balances related to Title IV federal aid funds: 

  • Hold a credit balance in the student’s account across terms within the same award year, or 
  • Apply funds awarded for the current year to prior year charges, up to $200, to pay for allowable institutional charges 

Financial Aid Return of Funds Policy

Financial aid awards are set based on student enrollment during each term. McHenry County College (MCC) is required to determine the percentage of Title IV aid earned by the student and return the unearned portion to the appropriate aid programs. Regulations require schools perform calculations within 30 days from the date the school determines a student’s complete withdrawal. The school must return the funds within 45 days of the calculation. If a student receives financial aid and withdraws completely from MCC prior to completing 60% of the semester, an overpayment may result. 

MCC will determine: 

  • The total amount of Title IV aid that could have been disbursed for the semester in which the student withdrew 
  • The total amount of Title IV aid disbursed for the semester in which the student withdrew. Title IV aid is counted as disbursed in the calculation if it has been applied to the student’s account on or before the date the student withdrew 
  • The last day of attendance based on the date a student officially withdrew either in person or online 
  • The last date of academic activity for an unofficial withdrawal or instructor withdrawal will be determined by the date of last attendance reported by the instructor. 


MCC will calculate the percentage of Title IV aid earned as follows: 

  • The number of calendar days completed divided by the total number of calendar days in the semester for which the student withdrew 
  • The total number of calendar days in a semester will not exclude any scheduled breaks of more than 5 days. 

Days Attended ÷ Days in Enrollment Period = Percentage Completed. 

If the calculated percentage completed exceeds 60% the student has earned all the Title IV aid for the enrollment period. 


MCC will calculate the amount of Title IV aid earned as follows: 

The percentage of Title IV aid earned multiplied by the total amount of Title IV aid disbursed or that could have been disbursed for the term in which the student withdrew. 

Total Aid Disbursed × Percentage Completed = Earned Aid 

Amount of Title IV aid to be disbursed or returned 

If the aid already disbursed equals the earned aid, no further action is required. 

If the aid already disbursed is greater than the earned aid, the difference must be returned to the appropriate Title IV aid program. 

Total Disbursed Aid - Earned Aid = Unearned Aid to be Returned 

If the earned aid is less than what has been disbursed, MCC will calculate a post-withdrawal disbursement. When a post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds MCC will email the student in order to receive their permission to disburse any loan funds. Students may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so additional debt is not incurred. Students will be given 14 business days to accept their PWD via email or in person. It is also important students understand accepting a post-withdrawal disbursement of student loan funds will increase their overall student loan debt that must be repaid under the terms of the Master Promissory Note. Additionally, accepting the disbursement of grant funds will reduce the remaining amount of grant funds available to the student should the student continue his/her education. 

MCC may automatically use all or a portion of the post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, bookstore charges and fees. However, MCC needs the student’s permission to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other school charges. If the student does not give his/her permission, the student will be offered the funds. However, it may be in the student’s best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce the student’s debt at the school. 

Repayment of Federal Aid Programs 

Federal regulations require the following aid programs to be repaid in the following order: 

  • Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan 
  • Subsidized Direct Stafford Loan 
  • Direct PLUS (Parent) Loan 
  • Federal Pell Grant

Scholarships and Veteran Benefits

Scholarships: Gift assistance for students based on academic achievement, athletic ability, community service, ethnic or family background, financial need, residency, or specific field of study. Scholarships are awarded for both fall and spring semesters to support tuition, books, and fees. Visit to review scholarships offered by MCC and through the Friends of MCC Foundation. Completing one general application can qualify you for multiple scholarship opportunities. For more information, contact or (815) 479-7529.

Veteran Educational Benefits: Eligibility is based on military service and determined by the Department of Veteran Affairs or the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC). Students can get information for specific benefit questions and application information in the Office of Financial Aid and Veteran Benefits or at

Benefits offered through MCC:

  • Post 9/11 G.I. Bill
  • Montgomery G.I. Bill - Active Duty
  • Montgomery G.I. Bill - Selected Reserve
  • Vocational Rehabilitation - Chapter 31
  • Reserve Educational Assistance Program
  • Survivor’s and Dependent’s Educational Assistance Program
  • Transfer of Entitlement (TOE)
  • Fry Scholarship
  • Illinois Veterans Grant
  • Illinois National Guard
  • MIA/POW Scholarship (dependent benefit)

Military transcripts are available at


MCC will not take any of the following actions toward a student utilizing their educational benefits, while their payment from the United States Department of Veteran Affairs is pending:

  • Prevent their enrollment
  • Assess a late penalty fee
  • Require they secure alternative or additional funding
  • Deny their access to any resources available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.
  • To qualify for this provision, students are required to:
  • Produce the VA’s Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class
  • Submit the Request for Benefits and Certification document
  • Provide additional information as required for certification.

Every attempt is made to provide accurate and current information. Changes in federal, state or institutional funding allocations, policy, law or regulations after this catalog is printed, may require amendments or corrections to published policies.

Fitness Center

Room A203B (815) 455-8551

The Fitness Center is a college/community fitness facility conveniently located on campus. Through programs designed by degreed and certified instructors, students and other members learn how safe and effective exercise can promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce major health risks. Members can take advantage of a wide variety of exercise equipment, fitness evaluations, one-on-one program consultations, special programming, educational seminars and printed resources. The Fitness Center offers a supportive environment for getting and staying healthy and fit.

Foundation Office

Friends of MCC Foundation

Room A219 (815) 455-8721

The Friends of MCC Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that works in partnership with McHenry County College. Gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible because it is an Illinois 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to benefit both students and programs. Its mission is to build financial support for student learning and success. The Friends of MCC Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of community and business leaders who volunteer their time to raise funds for academic programs, capital projects, and scholarships, making education accessible and attainable for all MCC students. Gifts of any amount are welcome. Make a difference - join the Friends of MCC Foundation and the community in creating an extraordinary legacy of hope, learning and opportunity. Your involvement positively affects all members of our community and sets a precedent that will impact future generations for years to come.

MCC Alumni Association

Room A219 (815) 455-8721

You are an alumnus of MCC once you’ve completed a credit course, and therefore, a member of the MCC Alumni Association. The MCC Alumni Association is here to help alumni connect and interact with each other and make sure your MCC experience lasts a lifetime. Our hope is to keep your bond strong with MCC after you transfer, graduate, and go on to do great things! Look for ways to get involved with the MCC Alumni Association - social, networking, resources, opportunities to give back, and more. For more information, contact or (815) 479-7529.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Room A109 (815) 455-8580

Intercollegiate Athletics provides quality opportunities for athletic and personal development, including competitive, instructional and recreational programs and support services. MCC’s athletic programs strive to enhance student-athletes’ college experience and serve their diverse interests and abilities. Prospects/recruits are encouraged to submit an Electronic Interest/Inquiry Form available on the Scots’ athletic website

International Studies (Study Abroad Programs)

MCC is an active member of the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs (ICISP). Through this consortium, MCC students can experience studying and living abroad in such countries as Austria, China, Costa Rica, England, France, India, Ireland and Spain. Students receive MCC credit for the classes taken at an international college or university. Fall, spring and summer semester programs are available. For more information, visit

Learning Communities (LC) - Twofers and SuperTwofers

The Learning Communities (LC) Program-also known as Twofers-at MCC integrates the material and subject matter from two courses into one for a single, exceptional classroom experience. These courses are team-taught by two instructors who share a vision and theme for their class.  

For example, MCC currently offers an LC class that combines Introduction to Sociology and Composition I. Though the goals of each course are different, both instructors share a vision that allows them to create a learning experience which focuses on identity as a theme. Students get the classroom time, instructor contact, credit hours, and fulfill the requirements of both courses, but with a single theme and shared assignments. By using this approach, both classes achieve their separate goals in a fluid, multifaceted way. 

 In the fall term, first semester students are also offered the chance to take MCC SuperTwofer courses, which pair two courses aligned with specific pathways, and include the first year experience course - MCC 101   - for a seven-credit class.  These specialized enrichment courses also give enrolled students the chance to present at an end-of-semester Capstone Showcase, where they present the work they have completed during the semester for a community audience.   


It is the mission of the MCC Learning Communities Program to create innovative, challenging, interdisciplinary courses, while retaining the integrity of individual department and division missions, objectives and goals. 

Learning Objectives

Students will -

  • Think critically: demonstrate complex interdisciplinary analysis
  • Engage globally and ethically: interrogate cultural truths across traditional boundaries
  • Articulate the interconnectedness of topics across curriculums
  • Participate in the formulation of a distinct community of learners

For more information and a list of current Twofer offerings, please visit

Learning Management System

Canvas is the college-wide learning management system used for online and blended courses, as well as many face-to-face courses. If you are new to MCC or Canvas, it is recommended that you complete the “Student Online Readiness” orientation course before starting your online class. All students are automatically enrolled in this optional online orientation to help them navigate Canvas effectively.

Students with either PC or Mac computers should access Canvas using the latest version of browsers. The Canvas Browser requirements can be found at For more information, please visit


Room A212 (815) 455-8533
(inside Learning Commons)

The MCC Library meets the information needs of the college community by providing a balanced collection of resources in all appropriate formats; teaching our patrons to find, evaluate, and use information effectively; and delivering friendly, courteous, and professional service. We value intellectual freedom, inquiry, and lifelong learning, and we encourage these values in those we serve. 

MCC 101: The College Experience

Room A257 (815) 455-8765

MCC 101 - The College Experience  is a course aligned with MCC’s four General Education Goals and designed to support students during their transition to McHenry County College. Students will experience engaging activities that promote examination and development of skills connected to success in a collegiate setting. The class provides a forum for students to ask questions as they begin their journeys in higher education, and it fosters an introspective look at skill sets that are vital to success in college and beyond. MCC 101 introduces students to the four General Education Goals: critical thinking, effective communication, information literacy, and professionalism; and the goal of the course is to help students achieve success. 

All full-time students must successfully complete MCC 101 preceding or during their first semester at MCC unless they have completed one of the following: 

  • 24 semester hours of college credit with a 2.0 cumulative GPA. 
  • A course equivalent to MCC 101 at another college, documented on a college transcript. The student is responsible for notifying the coordinator of MCC 101 to determine if a waiver can be applied. 

If the MCC 101 requirement has not been satisfied preceding or during the first semester, the student’s ability to register for classes for a second semester at MCC will be restricted. For more information visit 

Student Diversity and Inclusion

Room A247 (815) 479-7749

The Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion contributes to students’ success through empowerment, identity-embracement, and educational and celebratory engagement. The office can help students from marginalized identities navigate and overcome societal barriers to their success. The office provides: tailored programming that promotes students’ understanding of their authentic selves; mentorship and education to foster students’ self-advocacy; workshops to encourage intercultural dialogue; and celebrations of the various identities present within our community. 

Online Learning

MCC makes it convenient to learn, even from afar. Students can earn degrees or certificates through a unique program that incorporates online learning technology, allowing them to complete most of their coursework from remote locations through online or blended format.

Online Degrees and Certificates

MCC offers accredited Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in General Studies degrees, and Associates in Applied Science (AAS) degrees and certificates through online delivery.

Online Courses

Online courses are easily accessible via the Internet. Students need access to a computer with certain specifications. Students may interact with the instructors via MCC’s learning management system, telephone, virtual conference, and/or campus visits. Students may be required to attend an orientation or take proctored exams on campus.

Blended Courses

Blended courses typically involve a combination of online instruction and face-to-face classroom instruction. A significant portion of coursework is provided (conducted) online, but some regular face-to-face instruction is still required. Face-to-face time requirements will vary between blended courses and sections; please refer to the course schedule for more information.

Online/Blended Course Time Expectation

Time on task is the total learning time spent by a student in a college course, including instructional time as well as time spent studying and completing course assignments (e.g., reading, research, writing, individual and group projects.) Your workload may be more or less depending on your study habits.

“Instruction” is provided differently in online/blended courses than in classroom-based courses. An online/blended course requires a minimum of three hours of work for each course credit; therefore, for a three-credit course, you should expect to spend about nine to twelve hours each week in this course to engage in activities that may include but is not limited to:

  • attending scheduled sessions
  • participating in interactive tutorials or computer-assisted instruction
  • reading course materials
  • participating in online discussions
  • participating in online study groups for the class
  • doing research and writing papers
  • completing all other course assignments (e.g., quizzes, exams, field trips, etc.)


Room A258 (815) 455-8588

The Registration Office assists students with registration transactions including adding and dropping classes, payment for tuition and fees, and ordering transcripts.

Student Code of Conduct

Room A252 (815) 455-8794

Consistent with the MCC mission is an expectation that students will behave appropriately with emphasis on self-respect and respect for others. It is the practice of the College to respect the properly exercised rights of its students. The College recognizes a student’s rights within the institution to freedom of speech, inquiry and assembly; to the peaceful pursuit of education; and to the reasonable use of MCC services and facilities. 

The Student Code of Conduct has been established to maintain order on campus and to guarantee the broadest range of freedom for all who come to learn at MCC. 

Each student is responsible for knowledge of and compliance with the Student Code of Conduct, which can be found at The College further recognizes each student’s rights to fair procedures, including notice that specifies the alleged violation(s) of the Code of Conduct, an opportunity to respond to the allegations, and a collaborative, restorative justice-oriented resolution process. 

Student Life

Room A247 (815) 455-8550

The Student Life Office provides quality student-centered programs, services, and involvement opportunities that foster leadership, civic engagement, and student development. Student Life promotes a fun and engaging environment for MCC students by organizing various campus activities that educate and entertain. All students are encouraged to take advantage of leadership development opportunities, volunteer opportunities, and hold leadership positions within our student organizations. The office assists MCC’s 30+ student organizations in the planning of programming and activities around a wide variety of student needs and interests. Contact the Student Life Office for more information about opportunities to get involved on campus. 

Student Performances, Publications and Artwork

MCC offers a variety of arts opportunities for students interested in composing, producing and performing. In addition to a music club, the College sponsors a jazz band, a concert band and a chorus that perform on campus and in the community. The Black Box Theatre (located in Building E) serves both as an instructional facility and as a theatre for productions throughout the year. The Drama Club facilitates student-driven productions. For writers, the College offers Voices, a literary magazine featuring original work and readings, and the Tartan, a student newspaper for those interested in various facets of journalism. The Art Department features regular displays throughout the College of photography, paintings, drawings and pottery created by students. Artspace 144 is a gallery that was designed specifically for exhibition of student work. Every spring semester, the Art Department mounts a juried student art exhibit. MCC students and faculty also participate in the Skyway Art Exhibition and Music and Literature Festivals each year. 

See for past publications and future submission deadlines.

See for photos of past performances and details of future auditions.

See for the Fine and Performing Arts Events.

See for exhibit schedules and gallery information.

Student Resource Center

Room A247 (815) 455-8550

The Student Resource Center provides a space that is centered around student engagement, resources that reduce barriers to success, and programs and opportunities that foster leadership, civic engagement, and holistic student development. The Center houses a mini food pantry to support students’ food security needs, and multiple professional staff that can help students access various on- and off-campus resources. In the Student Resource Center you can find the Coordinator of Student Life, the Coordinator of Student Diversity and Inclusion, and the Coordinator of Student Advocacy. 


Student Technology Use

IT Help Desk  
Room A212 (815) 455-8457

Many technology resources are made available for current students, including MCC email, online learning tools, and access to videoconferencing software. All current students are provided with a Microsoft O365 license, which offers online and downloadable versions of Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and many other Microsoft apps. MCC email is available via the Outlook mobile app on Android and Apple devices, as well as Windows and Apple computers. Current students also receive a license for Zoom and LinkedIn Learning. All current students may access the MCC Wireless network to use for their learning needs.

Desktop computers are available for use by students in the Learning Commons and the E Colab. Printers are available in both areas.

The IT Help Desk is in the Learning Commons and assists all students with login issues. The Help Desk is also available by phone during normal business hours at the number listed above. Additional help and information can be accessed via the IT Knowledge Base at 

Information security is taken seriously at MCC. All students must setup multi-factor authentication and self-service password reset when logging in to their MCC email account for the first time. All students using MCC technology are bound by the Acceptable Use of Technology guidelines, which includes a prohibition of sharing illegally obtained or copyrighted materials on the MCC network. Computers detected to be illegally sharing files, spreading malware or viruses, or engaged in any activity that could potentially harm or degrade MCC’s or other’s technology resources will be automatically blocked from the network.

*This information reflects the current technology environment. Access to software and services are subject to change.


Student Veterans Resource Center

Room A260B (815) 479-7543

MCC offers personalized attention to help veterans select a program of study that draws upon their military experience and guides them towards a fulfilling career path.

  • Assistance with benefits
  • Access to scholarships and grants
  • Study/workgroup space
  • Career and job resources
  • Student Veterans of America (SVA) Chapter

Testing Center

Room A245 (815) 455-8984

Testing Center proctors many kinds of tests for MCC students and community members. Picture identification is required for each test taken. Tests issued by external institutions require a government-issued ID showing name, address, date of birth, signature and photograph. Appointments are needed for CLEP, CNA, GED, TEAS and online tests. Modern Language and Geometry placement exams, and Make-up tests are taken on a walk-in basis. Appointments are encouraged but not required for math, English and reading placement exams. Students can schedule at All tests are subject to time restrictions. All tests must be started at least 30 minutes prior to the Testing Center closing time and completed five minutes prior to closing. Please call ahead for further information about a specific test or about the Testing Center regulations and hours of operation. 

Tutoring and Academic Support Center

Room A212 (815) 455-8579
(inside Learning Commons)

The Tutoring and Academic Support Center is a general tutoring center for students registered in college credit courses, seeking assistance in a variety of academic subject areas. The Center primarily provides tutoring in math, writing/English, the sciences, study skills, and several other subjects. Tutoring is delivered by professional and peer tutors on a drop-in and an appointment basis. Other services include workshops, individual appointments, group coaching, study groups, and resource materials.