Mar 14, 2025  
2025-2026 Credit Course Catalog 
2025-2026 Credit Course Catalog

Requirements For Associate In Applied Science (AAS Degree Programs)

A Career-focused Curriculum

MCC’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are designed to prepare students for entry-level employment or career advancement in a variety of occupations. The College offers 30 associate’s degree programs and 66 certificate programs in a wide range of areas. AAS and certificate programs have been developed by MCC faculty and academic administration with input from citizens who serve on various CTE advisory committees of the College, along with the instructional program staff of state approval agencies. The involvement and contribution of each of these groups ensures that what students learn in the classroom will be relevant to the job market they are targeting. While these programs are designed primarily for direct employment, students may wish to continue their education after completing a program. Students who complete an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree and decide to pursue further study at a four-year college or university should check that institution’s catalog for the baccalaureate degree requirements. Many senior institutions have developed capstone programs for students who wish to continue studying after completing a Career and Technical Education program at a community college. An academic advisor at MCC can provide students with the necessary information.

Program Requirements

The required courses for each CTE certificate and degree program are listed on the following pages. Students may attend classes full time or part time. For a semester-by-semester sequence of requirements, students should contact the appropriate department chair. Students who would like to change the specified course requirements to make the program more relevant to their particular needs should work closely with the appropriate department chair to ensure that course substitutions are within the scope and intent of the program. All requests for waiver/substitution of courses specified in a CTE program require the approval of the appropriate department chair and associate vice president. NOTE: Course content is periodically updated to reflect changes in technology. If students are pursuing a degree or certificate program over an extended period, they may need to update their skills during that time to be prepared for updated course content.

Quality Assurance Pledge

MCC assures that students completing a certificate or an associate’s degree in a Career and Technical Education area will be competent in the skills represented in that credential. If students are not able to demonstrate those skills to their employer during the first year of employment, they will be retrained at no additional cost if both the general and the program-specific conditions of the Quality Assurance Pledge have been met. Please see the department chair, academic advisor or a counselor for those conditions.

Associate in Applied Science  (AAS) Degree Programs

The AAS degree is meant to provide students with coursework that will enable them to enter into or progress immediately within the job market. General education courses are a required component of the degree to provide students with a foundation of workplace skills and knowledge that may help them in the workplace or allow them to continue their education. The general education courses within the AAS degree are meant to be relevant to the specialized field, and also to provide general skills that can be applied to other degrees, certifications, or work experience. 

Each candidate for an AAS degree must complete the following General Education curriculum of 15 hours. Each program degree is built custom to prepare students for a career within their chosen industry and varies by program.

    Credit Hours
1. Written Communication
Selected from approved courses listed in the AAS degree requirements.
2. Oral Communication
Selected from approved courses listed in the AAS degree requirements.
3. Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences,
Behavioral Sciences
Selected from approved courses listed in the AAS degree requirements. Minimum of one course required for AAS degree.
4. Mathematics, Physical Science,
Life Science
Selected from approved courses listed in the AAS degree requirements Minimum of one course required for AAS degree.
5. Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Mathematics, Physical Science, Life Science
Selected from approved courses listed in the AAS degree requirements Minimum of one course required for AAS degree.
  Minimum General Education required 15
  Associate in Applied Science Degree
(See Specific Program Requirements)
Minimum of 60 Credit Hours

Certificate Programs

Certificate programs are shorter (one year or less) than degree programs and focus primarily on skill proficiencies that prepare students for immediate employment in an entry-level position. Coursework prescribed in a certificate program is usually included in the corresponding AAS degree program. If students decide to continue their education after completing a certificate program-or if they expand their educational goals prior to completing their certificate-they are free to move into an AAS program.

Partnerships for College and Career Success (PCCS)

Partnerships for College and Career Success (PCCS) is a program of study that spans a student’s last two years of high school and first two years of enrollment at MCC. PCCS provides a challenging and rigorous sequence of courses, combining academic and technical content with workplace skills paving a direct pathway to continuing education enabling students to develop higher-level skills and prepare to build a career. Students who are involved in a PCCS sequence in their high school should see an MCC academic advisor prior to registration.

For the most up to date courses being offered at your high school or on campus through PCCS please visit

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Articulated Credit

Students who participate in CTE classes offered at their high school should request a signed articulation agreement from their instructor. Per the agreement, MCC credit will be awarded when students enroll at MCC after high school and certain other conditions are met. Students should bring the articulation agreement to their first advising session at MCC and let the academic advisor know that they want to activate the agreement.

Participating High Schools:

  • Alden Hebron Community High School
  • Cary Grove High School
  • Crystal Lake Central High School
  • Crystal Lake South High School
  • Harvard Community High School
  • Huntley Community High School
  • Johnsburg High School
  • Marengo Community High School
  • Marian Central Catholic High School
  • McHenry High School - East Campus
  • McHenry High School - West Campus
  • Prairie Ridge High School
  • Richmond Burton Community High School
  • Woodstock High School
  • Woodstock North High School

For the most current list of articulated credit courses and dual-credit programs, visit

Programs of Study

A Program of Study is a comprehensive sequence of academic and technical courses specific to a professional field. Programs of Study provide a seamless progression for high school students to successfully transition from secondary to postsecondary education. Providing an ideal opportunity for high school students to earn Dual Credit, Programs of Study are recommended to start no later than the ninth grade and continue through at least the first two years of post-secondary education. The goal is to improve student access, equity, and outcomes making Programs of Study a key element in addressing a shortage of skilled professionals in critical-need, high wage fields offering viable careers and gainful employment. Foundationally, Programs of Study:

  • Incorporate and align secondary and postsecondary education curricular elements
  • Include academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses
  • Afford the opportunity, where appropriate, for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credits
  • Provide an educational opportunity leading to an industry-recognized credential, postsecondary certificate, Associate or Bachelor degree

Programs of Study radiate from the 16 officially recognized Career Clusters and their corresponding Pathways. Further information about Career Clusters, Pathways, and Programs of Study can be found at MCC has several successful CTE Programs of Study in place culminating in a postsecondary certificate, degree, and/or industry recognized professional credential reflecting a vibrant partnership with area high schools and a commitment by business and industry leaders to provide college internship opportunities. Formal Program of Study designation is currently in-process through the Illinois Pathways To Results initiative. For further information about high school Programs of Study and the direct link to MCC, visit the new Career Pathways website at and click on the name of the applicable area high school.

Internship Opportunities

Every CTE degree program provides in-field internship opportunities. Depending on the program, an internship may have another name. For example, in professions such as Criminal Justice and Fire Science, internship opportunities are referred to as “field experience” whereas in the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Nursing programs internships are known as “clinicals.” Although managed through the individual CTE program, student internships often result from the involvement of business and industry leaders who actively participate in each CTE program’s advisory board. Meetings are held at least once every semester. Added internship and employment information can be obtained through the coordinator
of Career Services.

Perkins and Postsecondary Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Room A111B (815) 455-8996

As part of the Illinois Community College’s statewide CTE network, the federally funded Perkins Postsecondary grant maximizes program development, enhancement, and continuous quality improvement as well as supportive services for students in CTE programs.